Friday, September 20, 2024
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“Elfac skaber og sikrer forbindelser overalt i samfundet”

Elfac A/S er et datterselskab af den svenske koncern Lagercrantz Group AB.
Ledningssæt fra Elfac A/S sørger for, at maskinerne virker, lamperne lyser, telefonerne ringer, køleskabene køler og vindmøllerne snurrer.

Skin Features Minimize
  • Five Background styles
  • Click and apply skins, no modules
  • Full width and fixed widths (for 800 & 1024 resolution)
  • Photoshop Source file included
Two Menu Styles Minimize

MENU StylesAxiom skin comes with Vertical Menu and Horizontal menu styles...

Skin Colors Minimize

The skin is available in Ten great colors. The skin colors can be customized using the photoshop sourcefile 

Source Files Minimize

Photoshop SourcefileCreate any color of your choice using the properly sliced .psd file. Simply save the slices and your custom color is ready

Blue | Aquablue | Maroon | Lime | Green | Skyblue | Black | Grey | Brown | Navyblue
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